First in the market.Preparation is easy and delicious taste right.
A pleasant smells
without sugar
No preservatives and dyes
No additional materials
Suitable for all
Elderly - Persons Aged
Maternal / suckle
Disease Patients
Healthy People
For Aged People
Calcium and potassium content in goat milk helps prevent osteoporosis or bone fragility.
Development for babies and Children
Vitamin A in the goat milk helps babies and growing children which minerals contained in milk goats can balance metabolism, build bone and teeth and help in building blood cells and body tissues. For students, it can help sharpen the mind and brain function.
For Gynecology problem
The regularly intake of milk goats can help women restore iron each month during menstruation, blood deficiency (anemia), bleeding during conception or impregnation, and a lot of bleeding after delivery (Postpartum bleeding).
For Patients in Recovery
Goat milk supply as a burner in the body fat, protein for muscle growth, carbohydrates for energy and nutrient minerals for body building.
For the formation Skin and Beauty Products
Goat milk contains nicotinic acid which can help the digestive function, improve the health of the skin and look beautiful.
Treatment for Gastric Ulcers
Goat milk completely controls hydrochloric acid in the stomach, so patients can maintain his strength and minimize muscle tension infected.
Cases for Skin Diseases
M.D. Superintendent General Hospital in Toledo Ohio, USA, George Dermitt using goat milk for children in hospitals suffering from eczema (skin irritation) and get excellent results.
Controlling Cholesterol for metabolism
Goat milk contains enzymes, vitamins and minerals that can help control cholesterol metabolism.
Controlling for Cancer and Chronic Disease
The present of Selenium in goat milk is actually very important minerals that protect the body from free radicals which is a major cause of cancer and chronic diseases in other people. With practice selenium each day, the percentage for such diseases decreased by 37%.
To alleviate other diseases such as:
Asthma, heart problems, Arthritis, Cough, Feeling tired and sluggish, Ulcers, smell mouth, no appetite, hemorrhoids, sinus, bronchitis and Diarrhea